Scientific Committee
IVAS 2024 President: Andrew Clark
IVAS 2024 Chair: Chantal Maury

Panagiotis Arapitsas
Assistant Professor of Wine and Vine Metabolomics, Department of Wine, Vine & Beverage Sciences of the University of West Attica; Researcher, Fondazione Edmund Mach
Panagiotis Arapitsas is Assistant Professor of Wine and Vine Metabolomics at the Department of Wine, Vine & Beverage Sciences of the University of West Attica (Athens, Greece); and a researcher at Fondazione Edmund Mach (San Michele all'Adige, Italy). He has a degree in Oenology and Beverage Technology (Athens, Greece), a Master in Methods of Synthesis in Organic Chemistry (Florence, Italy), and a PhD in Polyphenols Chemistry and Food Quality (Florence, Italy). His main research activities are focus on Wine Science, Food Chemistry, Metabolomics, Mass Spectrometry, Chromatography, Organic chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Big Data Analysis, F.A.I.R. data management, Polyphenols, and Aroma compounds.

Marco Arlorio
Full Professor of Food Chemistry, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
​Full Professor of Food Chemistry at DSF, Università del Piemonte Orientale (Novara, Italy); member of the Food Chemistry Inter-Divisional Group Board, Italian Chemical Society (Rome); Past-Chair of the Food Chemistry Division, EuCheMS (Bruxelles, B); member of the Scientific Advisory Committee within ILSI Europe (Bruxelles, B).
Main research topics are focused on food quality and food safety assessment, particularly regarding the developing of new analytical methods for the food profiling/characterization. Principal fields of interests: food authenticity and traceability; detection of hidden ingredients in food (mainly allergens); bioactive compounds in food/food ingredients (particularly polyphenols); ingredient design (particularly starting from the valorization of food by-products); stability of food ingredients and shelf life; thermal impact and neo-formed compounds in foods. Main interests on grape (Vitis vinifera), wine and alcoholic beverages: i) analytical methods useful to track hidden allergens in wines; ii) isolation and formulation of high-value bioactive compounds from grape by-products (mainly antioxidants and prebiotic oligosaccharides); bioactive compounds in wine (biogenic amines, histaminol); iii) authentication and traceability of wines and alcoholic beverages.

Andrew Clark
Professor, Charles Sturt University, The Gulbali Institute
Andrew Clark is a Professor at Charles Sturt University (Wagga Wagga, Australia) and The Gulbali Institute. As well as lecturing in the suite of Wine Science and Viticulture courses at Charles Sturt University, he has delivered lectures as part of the International Vintage Masters (Groupe ESA) in Valencia (Spain), Budapest (Hungary), and Angers (France). He completed his undergraduate and PhD studies at The University of Melbourne and commenced his position at Charles Sturt University in 2001. His research interests include general wine oxidation/reduction chemistry, compositional measures of wine, metal speciation/fractionation techniques and their application to predict the metal-induced spoilage of wine, the impact of light on wine and the use of ascorbic acid in wine.

Susan Ebeler
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology , UC Davis
Sue Ebeler is the associate dean of Undergraduate Academic Programs for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CA&ES) and a distinguished professor in the Department of Viticulture and Enology. Her research seeks to answer questions about food and beverage flavor, quality and health effects. In her research, she uses analytical tools including gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to study the effects of agricultural practices, fermentation, processing, and storage on composition of grapes, wines, and other foods and beverages. By linking compositional and sensory information, this research reveals information about how aroma compounds interact with each other and with food matrix components to contribute to complex food and beverage flavors.

Maria-Teresa Escribano-Bailon
Professor of Food Science and Nutrition at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Salamanca
Maria-Teresa Escribano-Bailon is full professor of Food Science and Nutrition at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Salamanca (Spain), where she he is the director of the Msc in Oenolgy and Adaptation to Climate Change. Her research activities are focused on the study of the chemistry of polyphenols, extraction and analysis, structural characterization, synthesis, and their influence on the sensory properties (mainly color and mouthfeel) of foods and beverages, especially wine. She has co-authored more than 100 articles in international scientific journals.
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Bruno Fedrizzi
Professor of Analytical &Wine Chemistry, and Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Science, University of Auckland
Bruno is a Professor of Analytical and Wine Chemistry and Associate Dean (Academic) in the Faculty of Science at the University of Auckland. His research focuses on the development of mass spectrometry-based methods to study wine aroma chemistry, with particular emphasis on sulfur containing species and the connection between winemaking and the formation of these molecules. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in wine chemistry, analytical chemistry and mass spectrometry.

Ulrich Fischer
Head of the Institute for Viticulture and Oenology, Research Center of the DLR Rheinpfalz
Head of the Institute for Viticulture and Oenology at the Research Center of the DLR Rheinpfalz in Neustadt, Germany. Honorary professor at the Chemistry department at the RP Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau and Professor for Oenology and Sensory Science at the Winecampus in Neustadt. His main research interest is directed towards connecting sensory evaluation with aroma chemistry in order to elucidate structural relationships between value-giving constituents of wines and their sensory expression. A particular interest is the impact of climate change on wine constituents and their sensory effects and how to mitigate detrimental aspects. Furthermore, he is involved in implementing new technologies such as dealcoholisation of wine or new resistant grape cultivars.

Axel Marchel
Professor of Oenology, lnstitute of Vine and Wine Sciences of Bordeaux University
Axel Marchal is currently full professor of oenology at lnstitute of Vine and Wine Sciences of Bordeaux University. After studying chemistry in Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, he joined Research Unit of oenology in Bordeaux fora PhD under the supervision of Pr Denis Dubourdieu. His mains research topics concern chemistry of taste-active compounds and key odorants involved in wine aromatic identity. He develops combined strategies using separation techniques, sensory analysis and LC-MS non-targeted screening to isolate and identify chemical markers of wine taste and odours.

Chantal Maury
Researcher/Lecturer, Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures
Chantal Maury is researcher/lecturer in Ecole Supérieure des Agricultures (Angers, France) and she is currently the head of the GRAPPE Research Unit. Having a background in chemistry, she performed a PhD in red wine analyses and got her HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) in 2019. Her research focusses on the impacts of certain conditions (terroirs, noble rot, vineyard management) on the quality of grapes and wines. This quality is mainly based on the phenolic compounds content, but also on primary metabolites. She’s developing new green technologies to characterize grape and wine: hyperspectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy. She teaches at master level courses mainly on phenolics, grape quality, and grape and wine analyses.

Alvaro Peña-Neira
Full Professor of Enology, Faculty of Agronomical Sciences, University of Chile
He studied agronomy engineering at the Catholic University of Valparaíso (Chile), and got a PhD in Food Science and Technology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain). He is a Full Professor of Enology at the University of Chile, Faculty of Agronomical Sciences (Santiago de Chile), where he is the leader of the research group in enology and viticulture. His research is mainly focused on grape and wine phenolics in relation to viticulture practices, grape maturation, vinification, sensory and wine ageing. He teaches at master level courses on phenolics and grape physiology in Chile and Argentina.

Doris Rauhut
Professor & Vice-Chair, Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, Hochschule Geisenheim University
Doris Rauhut is Professor at the Hochschule Geisenheim University and vice-chair of the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry. Her research mainly focuses on yeast and lactic acid bacteria metabolism during wine making, in particular on the formation and analysis of aroma-active volatile compounds, to optimize and improve fermentation processes and their control. In the field of flavor research, she turned her attention to the impact of volatile sulphur compounds on wine quality. Additionally her research is centered on the effect of global climate change on the typicality of wines and their ageing potential in joint national and international cooperations. She was member in several EU research project consortia and project leader of several work packages.

Jorge Ricardo da Silva
Full Professor of Enology, University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Jorge Ricardo da Silva studied agro-industries engineering at University of Lisbon (Instituto Superior de Agronomia), and got a PhD in Sciences Agro-Alimentaires in Ecole National Supèrieure Agronomique de Montpellier (now Institut Agro Montpellier), and latter got an Habilitation at the University of Lisbon in the same field. He is a Full Professor of Enology at the University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ULisboa/ISA), Portugal, where he is the responsible of the PhD in Food Science and Engineering and representative of the Vinifera EuroMaster (Msc in Viticulture and Enology) in Portugal. His research is mainly focused on grape and wine phenolics in relation to viticulture practices, grape maturation, vinification and wine ageing; wood utilization. Associated Editor for OENO-One. He is also member of the Portuguese Oenologist Association (APEV).

Sílvia Maria Rocha
Associated Professor with Habilitation in Biochemistry, Chemistry Department, University of Aveiro
​Sílvia M. Rocha is Associated Professor with Habilitation in Biochemistry, at the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro (Portugal).
She is leader of the x-Chroma Lab (University of Aveiro), a laboratory specialized on the design of workflows, based on advanced chromatographic methodologies, for unveiling complex biological systems, namely plants, plant-based foods, and microorganisms (with biotechnological interest or pathogenic). For the last 30 years, her research is mainly focused on the characterization of plant raw materials, agro-food by-products and foodstuffs, for the prospection of bioactive compounds, and understanding them from the analytical, technological, sensorial and metabolomics point of view, toward the development of innovative and sustainable formulations. Portuguese grape varieties and wines are the focus of her research, as well as I&D projects in collaboration with several companies. Sílvia M. Rocha is member of the Enology experts from the Portuguese commission of the OIV and is member of the Board of Directors of the Food Science and Technology and Nutrition Doctoral Program.

Aurélie Roland
Associate Professor of Oenology and Flavour Biochemistry, Agro Montpellier
Dr Aurélie Roland is an organic chemist and has been an associate professor of oenology and flavour biochemistry at Agro Montpellier since 2018. Prior to this, she spent 7 years working in the private sector of the vine and wine industry as an R&D Director.
Currently, Dr Roland conducts research within the joined research unit “Sciences For Enology”, located in Montpellier, and focuses on 2 main research areas.
Firstly, she conducts work on the biogenesis of varietal thiols. Dr Aurélie Roland's research combines organic synthesis, chemical analysis and the study of metabolism, utilizing isotope labelling as a scientific strategy approach.
Moreover, she is committed to enhancing the olfactory traits of wines, with a particular focus on defect management. Specifically, she has examined reduction defects and fresh fungus-like alterations in wines, and even expanded her research to other agronomic matrices such as apples.

Christian Rolando
CNRS Senior Scientist, EuChemS Analytical Chemistry Division, University of Lille 1, France
Christian Rolando is a CNRS senior scientist working at the University of Lille 1. His research is devoted to analytical and physical organic chemistry. He authored more than 200 papers. He has been President of the French Society for Mass Spectrometry, of the Groupe Polyphénols and of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the French Chemical Society. He is member of the Steering Committee of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of EuCheMS (European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences).

Leigh Schmidtke
Director, National Wine and Grape Industry Centre, Charles Sturt University
Leigh is a Professor of Oenology and was the Director of the National Wine and Grape Industry Centre from 2016, and Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation from 2019 until the launch of the Gulbali Institute at Charles Sturt University in 2022. He has an extensive background in analytical chemistry relating to grape and wine analysis, wine production systems and wine microbiology. Chemometrics and metabolomics are features of Leigh's research and collaborations. Complex data analysis, untargeted and targeted metabolomics, rapid methods of assessment using IR and mass spectrometry methods for determining the impact of abiotic and biotic factors upon grapevine and plant performance, berry composition and wine style are some of his research interests.
Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin
Director, Comprehensive Foodomics Platform, Institute of Analytical Food Chemistry, Technische University Munich
Prof. Ph. Schmitt-Kopplin heads the Comprehensive Foodomics Platform at the Institute of analytical Food Chemistry of the Technische University Munich (TUM), is director of BioGeoChemistry at the Helmholtz Munich and is guest scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany. His team performs tailored and comprehensive metabolomics in the food-health continuum. He has a strong profile in analytical chemistry with integrated approaches combining (ultra)high resolution mass spectrometry, separation sciences, NMR-spectroscopy with (bio)informatics for the description of complex organic systems on a molecular level. A focus in the last decades was to implement mass spectrometry into applications for a rapid and robust tool for deep metabotyping and small molecules profiling in various fermented beverages and thermal-processed foods. One focus is on the chemical understanding of microbiomes in foods and health, and integrating these information with existing biological Omics data.

Liz Waters
General Manager, Research and Innovation at Wine Australia
Liz is the General Manager – Research and Innovation at Wine Australia. Her experience spans active research, research management, board directorship, scientific editing and post-graduate student supervision. Liz holds a PhD in Plant Science from the University of Adelaide and has published more than 150 articles including book chapters, journal papers, and technical reports.